Architectural Modifications

Architectural Control Committee
Now that you've moved into your house in Painted Tree, you might be looking for ways to personalize it to make it feel like home both inside and outside. The good news is that the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) has been established to review the exterior modification requests for the community. All exterior improvements or changes to your home or lot must have approval by the ACC prior to any work starting. The ACC is comprised of three volunteers from the Declarant, Oxland Group.
ACC Application
You will need to complete an ACC application to receive approval prior to starting any projects that modify the exterior of your home. Make sure to read the Architectural Guidelines to understand any limitations relative to your project. The application will be completed with the form linked below.
Before starting your application, gather and complete the following materials:
  • A plot map marked with the requested change
  • A current photo of the requested location (i.e. backyard)
  • A sample photo of the request (i.e. landscape borders)
  • Read the Rules & Regulations and the Guidelines for relevant policies
Any changes made without review and approval from the design review committee may result in a violation notice. Approval may take, as stated in the Governing Documents, up to 30 days, however, we will strive to get approvals as quick as possible once we receive all the materials.
You may be surprised to learn that almost any exterior changes you want to make to your home and property does require ACC review. This process ensures that Painted Tree remains a beautiful and desirable master-planned community. The following are the most popular submission requests:
  • Exterior paint (even if you are keeping the same paint scheme on your home)
  • Security/screen doors
  • Gates
  • Landscape installations (front and rear)
    • All front yard changes must be reviewed
    • Backyard changes require review/approval if the property has a view fence
  • Pools
  • Pergolas and shade sails
If you have any questions regrading a specific guidelines, you can reach out to the Association team at
Ready to submit?
Submit your application packet by email to for the quickest response. Otherwise, packets can be mailed to:

Painted Tree Residential Community – Architectural Control Committee
c/o Painted Tree Residential Community Association, Inc.
Attn: Community Manager
7800 N. Dallas Parkway, Suite 450
Plano, TX 75024

Approved Plants

The list of approved plants can be found in the Architectural Guidelines, Exhibit A.

Flags & Flagpoles

With approval, flags and flagpoles are allowed. Below is a non-exhaustive list of quick reminders.
  • Flagpoles must be black and constructed of aluminum.
  • Flagpoles cannot exceed the height of the Residence roof or twenty feet, whichever is less.
  • Only one flagpole can be installed per Lot.
  • Flags can only be the United States flag, State of Texas flag, or an official or replica flag of any branch of the United States armed forces.
  • Flags can be up to 3 feet by 5 feet in size.
  • Flag lighting may be approved if the light is directly only at the flag.
  • Flags must be in good condition and be flown in compliance with Legal Requirements applicable to public flags.
You can read more in the Rules & Regulations, Section 1.6(i)(ii).

Pools & Spas

With approval, inground swimming pools and adjacent spas are allowed within the guidelines. Above ground hot tubs are allowed, however, above ground swimming pools are not allowed.
Read more in the Architectural Guidelines, Section 2(n).

Surveillance Cameras and Exterior Lights

Surveillance Cameras
  • With approval, cameras may be installed but must not at any time be aimed in a manner that will view any other Residence.
  • Doorbell cameras are exempt from the above criteria and are allowed without approval as long as they are at the entry area of a Residence and use for it's intended purpose.
  • Read the policy in the Rules and Regulations, Section 1.6(t).
Exterior Lights
  • With approval, exterior lights may be installed. Exterior lights cannot:
    • Be obtrusive and cause unreasonable spill over light onto a neighboring Lot.
    • Create a glare onto neighboring Lot.
  • Read more in the Rules and Regulations, Section 1.4(h)(i) and Section 1.6(r).

Appealing a Decision

If a disapproval was received from the ACC, resident have the right to a formal appeal the decision to the Painted Tree Residential Community Association Board of Directors, if the Board is not serving as the ACC. If applicable, the appeal process can be found in the Architecture Guidelines.

Neighbor Awareness Form

This form located on the last page of the application is not meant to act as an approval from your neighbors. The form is a courtesy notice you are providing to your neighbor that you have a project under review and how it may affect them. For example, if you're putting a pool in, it gives them notice to expect increased traffic and noise from contractors entering your lot.
If you are unable to obtain a signature from your neighbor or if you don't have a neighbor on one or more sides of your lot, simply note that on the application.

Rules & Regulations

The Architectural Guidelines reference the Rules and Regulations. You may access those in the Document Library.